Suite 70
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105 sqr ft
Suite Services
What's included with the room
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Telephone: 01935 385900
We operate an easy in, easy out policy on all our office accommodation. No long lease commitments, you have the option to move after one month's notice.
We are invested in your company's future. Whilst you are with us, we will accommodate your growth by moving your office to suit your needs.
Services included with all rooms:
- Building Insurance
- Site management charges
- Heating, lighting and water (unless above normal usage)
- Cleaning
- Front of house services
- Use of common areas
- Security
- Signposting for resident services
Price Breakdown
Simple easy pricing, discounted first year!
Discounted First Year
£324 pcm
For your first year at YIC we offer a discounted monthly rent
Second Year
£354 pcm
The second year will be charged at the standard monthly rate
Third Year
£390 pcm
In your third year, you will see an increase of 10% on the monthly rate