
Access to 'live' business experience

Yeovil Innovation Centre is developing the support programme and infrastructure for our residents and will be implementing new programmes to offer a ready-made support system for new businesses, with the aim of providing access to mentorship and investment. As well as this formal support, the informal networks created in the work space environments at Yeovil Innovation Centre can be just as important, since residents are surrounded by potential business partners, creative resources such as graphic designers and sometimes even future customers!

The YIC social space

There is also a social side to the Yeovil Innovation Centre, since creating a sense of community has become more important to many business founders. At the YIC, we run a number of social gatherings a year for our residents including Pizza meet and greets, a Christmas gathering and we would love to encourage businesses to hold parties for the other residents when they reach a milestone or close a round of funding. At the YIC you can expect coffee mornings, social sports and drinks after work.

Knowing when your business is right for incubation

When an entrepreneur sets up a business and is looking for assistance, most will be unaware of how a business incubator can help, however, the benefits are clear. Shared learning, mentorship, faster access to funding and the various funding grants that are on offer and office space are all vital for any new start-up and, when you are kick-starting a new business, advantages like these can put you ahead of the competition to enjoy accelerated growth in the future. This is where Yeovil Innovation Centre and our staff can help.

Somerset Catalyst Scheme

Considering a career change? Ever thought about setting up in business? Got great ideas but struggling to commercialise them? Perhaps you are already an early stage business and are ready to accelerate your growth? 

Take your business ideas to the next level with the Somerset Catalyst Scheme. 

Funded by Somerset Council, Somerset Catalyst is part of a wider business support programme that is rolling out across the country. Its goal is to create the necessary positive culture, support system and infrastructure to create economic growth that will ripple across all its communities and put Somerset on the innovative map of the UK. 

The Somerset Catalyst Programme:

  • Commences September 2020
  • Six-month duration
  • One-to-one expert coaching
  • Workshops on key aspects of running a business
  • Peer support group
  • Profile raising marketing support
  • Business review panels with industry experts
  • Help to prepare for and access business finance

To find out more and start your business journey, get in touch today